What if I told you…

Your Business Is BLEEDING Out On 5-Figures EVERY Month Without You Even Noticing!

And you have ZERO clue how to stop your business’ revenue from running dry.

Don’t believe me?

No worries.

Here’s why you WILL…

Other than the fact that Morpheus said so, in the next few minutes, I’m going to show you how much money your business is losing out on every month.

All because of this one email secret that most copywriters and business owners are completely unaware of.

And now that I have your attention, you’re about to see how you can stop your business’ revenue from running dry and prevent this from ever happening again. 

Now, let’s get one obvious and important thing out of the way before I get into the REAL problem here.

Most businesses have an email list, and chances are you have one too. 

And here’s the first part of this big problem.

90% of businesses don't have a half decent email marketing strategy that makes them, at the very LEAST, an extra 5-figures a month - on top of what they’re already making.

But here’s the ACTUAL problem that a lot of business owners face and have little to no idea how to solve, no matter what industry they’re in.

You see, the copy in your email campaigns might actually be very good.

But if your emails are landing in spam and even in the promotions tab, then you’re robbing yourself of thousands of dollars every month.

And this here is the problem most copywriters and business owners are completely unaware of, let alone have any clue how to fix. 

Now you might be thinking, “Okay yeah, but it’s only a few thousand dollars every month.”

But you’re not missing out on just a couple of thousands of dollars. 

You’re literally missing out on anywhere from multiple 5, 6, and even 7 figures EVERY year!

And if you don’t find a way to solve this pretty soon, not only will you be losing money…

You’ll also lose your entire business!

And I’m not exaggerating on this.

It’s way too technical for me to explain on this page, but here’s what I mean in simple language: 

Every domain (ie. your business email) has its own “reputation” and get’s a report/score similar to a line of credit.

And every interaction that happens between you, your readers, and softwares that are involved with sending and receiving your emails, gives you a score/report based on these interactions.  

Now there’s lots of things that can affect your domain reputation, but here are some of the more common factors that play a huge role in getting your emails delivered into your reader’s inboxes.

-    Your open rates

-    Your click rates

-    Your spam complaints

-    Your domain age

-    Your reply rate

-    Your postmaster score

-    Etc.

Obviously some domains may have similar domain reputations. But, much like siblings in a family or our own fingerprints, no two are the exact same.

And for someone who doesn't understand how to properly get your emails to land in the Primary Inbox like I do, it would be EXTREMELY difficult to figure this out on your own (believe me, you do not want to pull out your hair figuring out all the tech stuff involved).

And if your domain has a bad report and even a half-decent report, your subscribers' mail providers (ie. Gmail, iCloud, Outlook, Hotmail, Yahoo Mail, etc.) will flag your domain and your emails will be sent to the promotions tab, if you’re lucky.

But if you’re unlucky, your emails will get sent to the Black Hole we all know of and hate… 

The SPAM folder. 💀

But that’s not the worst part.

It gets much, much WORSE!

If your domain has too many bad reports because your readers don’t open your emails, they throw them into the trash, and you keep landing in spam… 

Your domain will actually get blacklisted and you won’t be able to send any more emails from your domain EVER again.

Meaning that you can no longer send any emails to your list.

All that hard work that you put into your business so you can make some extra money from emails - will disappear in the blink of an eye.

And not only that.

Because you never solved your deliverability problems to begin with, you never had the chance to regain all that money that was lost due to the fact that you never knew you had this issue.

And like I said before, I’m not making this up or even exaggerating things by even just a little.

Gmail, iCloud, Outlook, Hotmail, Yahoo Mail, and all these other mail providers have algorithms that send your emails to the promotions tab and junk/spam folder if very few people are opening your emails, reading them, and clicking on your links.

And like I mentioned before, every interaction that happens between your domain, your email subscribers, and their mail providers has an effect on your domain reputation.

And just like a bad credit report, too many of these bad reports on your domain will severely impact your domain reputation.

But instead of not being allowed to borrow credit, your domain will get blacklisted and essentially you won’t be able to send any emails from that domain ever again.

All that trust, credibility, and money that was created from your business… GONE!

But now the real question you’re probably asking yourself is…

“Who are you to tell me all this?”

Here’s why you should take my advice seriously:

My name is Eddie Huerta, and just so you know…

I’m NOT just ANOTHER email copywriter who writes email copy on a Google Doc for you to send to your subscribers. 

I’m what Troy Ericson likes to call… an Email List Manager.

An email MARKETER who takes care of your entire email marketing strategy by:

- Signing into your ESP (where you send emails from)

- Write that day's email.

- Do a quick "deliverability check".

- Send the email.

And I do this so you can focus on leading your team, and driving the needle in your company.

No more wasting 2+ hours a day writing mediocre copy, just to send an email and have it land in the promotions tab or spam folder.

And most importantly, you can finally get back those thousands of dollars you’ve been sending down the drain for the past several months and years.  

Obviously, I didn't always know this was an issue with most business owners email list.

But here's how I was able to get to this point in my career and solve this problem.

The first client I worked with had a list of 46k contacts he wanted me to send broadcasts emails (live emails) to.

And as you can imagine, I was excited to start blasting daily emails and making my client tons of money, so I created a reactivation email to re-engage and warm-up these contacts.

But the mistake came after I started emailing those contacts.

90% of those contacts have never been emailed before. ❌❌❌

And if you don’t know anything about email marketing, sending an email to 46k contacts in one email blast (without having sent them emails in the past) will land you in spam. ⚠️

And that’s exactly what happened.

My client’s open rate absolutely TANKED!

It wasn’t at 15%.

It wasn’t even at 10%.

It was only 6.66%. 💀 (Go figure)

I even took a screenshot of it in Active Campaign and showed it to my colleagues.

I remember feeling very frustrated that week.

How was I supposed to show my client that I know what I’m doing and that I can solve this issue? 😭😭😭

As if the number wasn't enough to scare the living daylights out of us.

So much for a great start. 😒

But because I learned from Troy Ericson's email deliverability methods, and as the savvy email marketer that I am, I turned things around. 😎

I segmented my client’s list and emailed our most engaged and active subscribers.

And in just a couple of short weeks, my client's open rates went from 6.66% to 27%.

We went from making no money from emails to making over $5k each day! The rest is history.

And that's all thanks to learning from Troy's email deliverability secrets.

Speaking of Troy Ericson, I was actually featured on his website, Copywriting.org. 

And if you are somewhat familiar with the online marketing space, you know Troy is a HUGE deal.

He’s been rated as the #20 Copywriter in the World & one of the top Email Deliverability Experts who has generated over $100MM since 2019.

And I was personally interviewed by Troy himself to be featured in Copywriting.org, his YouTube channel, and his socials. 

So you can rest assured that I’m a credible and trusted copywriter. 

But if you’re still not “sold” on the idea that this is what you need to make an extra 5-figures a month, then let me just clarify a couple of things:

- You’ve already found someone to help you with this (me) 

- I’ve shown you the numbers

- And I’ve already proven to you that I know how to fix your email deliverability problems 

So you might as well invite me to see what you need help with. 

So if you want help to put AT LEAST an extra 5 figures/mo in your pockets… 

Allow me to help you increase your top line with my personality-based emails and increase your email deliverability.

Now, you’re probably asking yourself, “What makes you different from other copywriters?”

Well you see, instead of just writing copy like most copywriters do, I’m actually providing 3 entirely different services in 1:

1. Writing & sending an email each day on your behalf.

2. Deliverability (making sure your emails don't go to spam or the Promotions Tab)

3. Automation & Strategy (helping you make money on autopilot)

But not only does me being an Email List Manager help you make more money.

It’s also 10x easier and faster than going back & forth with a copywriter who doesn’t understand deliverability, automations, or strategy.

It’s like turning on a light switch

Or better yet, it's like teaming up with The Flash (me) to defeat the evil villains of email deliverability (the promotions tab and spam folder).

Now here’s the thing… solving your email deliverability ALONE can make you up to twice as much compared to working with any other copywriter.

(Think about it - if twice as many people see and read your emails, about twice as many people will buy).

Now if you add on that I will be sending quality emails every day that persuade your readers to persuade THEMSELVES into purchasing your offers,

And that I'll create custom automations for your business that make you money on autopilot...

Then the amount of money you’ll make every month is virtually endless.

So why wouldn’t you hire an Email List Manager like me over a regular ol’ email copywriter?

You save so much time & stress while making tens of thousands of extra dollars per month.

And you don’t have to lift a single finger because you know that I will take care of everything for you.

With that being said, sometimes people have little to no problems with their email deliverability. 

Their emails aren’t actually going to the Gmail Promo Tab or landing in spam (this is rare, but it does happen every now and then).

And obviously, I don’t want to charge anyone who doesn’t need my services because it simply doesn’t make any sense.

However, for both of us to truly know if there is something we can do to fix your email strategy and deliverability… 

I require that we first test your emails using my Aged Gmail Test Accounts.

Don’t worry, it’s really easy.

I have a handful of several test accounts that I use to test your emails.

These are FAR more accurate than brand new accounts or even your personal Gmail account since previous interaction is a LARGE factor in Promo Tab placement.

So, I’m going to test your emails using my Gmail Test Accounts & help you estimate how much money you’re losing each month to the Promo Tab (or the spam folder - I help with that, too).

I’ll even do it with you LIVE on Zoom so you can see for yourself where your emails are landing.

I do it this way for maximum transparency & to answer any questions you have.

And I’ll only invite you to work with me IF you’re losing more than what you’ll invest with me.

That way, everyone wins.

So here’s how we can get started:

Step 1:

Below, there is a button that says, “Yes, I want to boost my open rates & make an extra 5 figures or more! Please test my emails to see if I qualify!”

Step 2:

After you click that button, you will see a calendar. This is where you can schedule your “Email Deliverability Test” with me to discover which folder your emails are landing in & how much money you might be losing each month.

Step 3:

After you select a time, there is a short questionnaire for you to enter your domain & some other basic information, so I’m prepared to help you on Zoom (and so we can respect each other's time).

Step 4:

Show up to the Zoom call & I’ll show you exactly which folder your emails are landing in & how much money you might be losing each month.

And if you’re losing more money than what is required to work with me, then I’ll invite you to work with me so we can “revive” your email list and regain the thousands of dollars you’ve been missing out on every month.

The investment required to get my help depends on several factors like how many domains, ESPs, accounts, etc. you have as well as how bad your Promo Tab or Spam issue is.

There is no way for me to know this without speaking with you first, as I never want to overcharge based on limited information.

With that being said, in order to find out how much money your email list could be making every month from now on…

Click the button below, select your time to test your emails with me, and I’ll lift your open rates & revenue!

And for every client I work with, I offer them my “Results or I WORK FOR FREE Guarantee.”

Now as you saw, I personally don’t do money-back guarantees and here’s why:

You and I both know that you don’t want to spend time and money on something only to end up back in square one.

What you really want are RESULTS.

You want to be making back those 5, 6, and even 7 figures you’ve been robbing yourself of for the past several months and even years. 

Because at the end of the day, not only do you miss out on future profits, you also miss out on a lot of valuable time that could’ve been spent on other revenue-generating activities.

That’s why if you decide to work with me, I wholeheartedly promise that you will make back at the very least DOUBLE what you invest with me. 

And if for whatever reason my work simply doesn’t produce any results within the first 30 days we start working together, I promise to work for FREE until you do.

And while I’m absolutely certain that I’ll lift your open rates and revenue, I also know that in today’s modern society, full of gurus’ and their over-the-top promises…

Talk is cheap.

That’s why I want to put my money where my mouth is and invite you to work with me 1:1 for 30 days at no risk to you.

It works like this:

Simply click the button below that says “Yes, I want to boost my open rates & make an extra 5 figures or more! Please test my emails to see if I qualify!”

Then select a time to get your emails tested by me.

On the Zoom call, in a matter of minutes, you’ll discover which folder your emails are landing in & how much money you’re losing to the Promo Tab...

Then, if we both think this is the solution you’re looking for, we’ll agree to do business together.

Then I'll sign into your ESP to troubleshoot your email deliverability problems, create automations and sequences that make you money on auto-pilot, and send emails that have your subscribers lining up to throw their credit cards at you.

I’m positive that once you do this, you’ll notice an instant increase in open rates & email revenue…

And you’ll only wish you found out about this sooner!

But if for whatever reason I happen to be wrong…

If I just can’t provide proof that your emails are OUT of the Gmail Promo Tab...

Or if some fluke happens & your open rates don’t go up…

Then just shoot me an email and I’ll troubleshoot any issues that are happening, free of charge.

And if I still can’t figure it out & boost your open rates, remember, I’ll work at no extra charge until you at the very least DOUBLE your investment.

Now you might be wondering why I'm making such a BOLD guarantee.

And that's because it’s virtually impossible to fail.

(Unless Google decides to ban emails from existence, or the Sun blows up tomorrow and the Earth goes up in a giant ball of flames. 🫠 )

Point is, it’s going to work for you. That’s why I guarantee you’ll see results within 30 days, but more like within 10-14 days.

I want to make sure that you know how much confidence I have in it… and more importantly… How much confidence I have in YOU to succeed with this.

Still though, isn’t it nice knowing that you have nothing to lose?

Today, you’ve discovered the secret that makes most business bleed 5, 6, and even 7 figures in profits...

You've heard all about the Promo Tab, domain reputation, you’ve seen the PROVEN results…

You know there's a solution to stop your business from losing out on tens and hundreds of thousands, and even millions of dollars...

And yet you can still reach out for help anytime with my “Results or I WORK FOR FREE Guarantee.”

THAT’s how confident I am.

So go ahead and click the button below right now, and schedule your "Email Deliverability Test" today.

Here’s another thing.

I don't need to use a bunch of “fake scarcity” or “today-only discounts” to try & convince you that this is exactly what you need.

I want to this decision to be as simple and no-brainer for you as going to bed after a long day of work.

After reading this page, you should already be convinced that you need the help of an experienced email marketer to get back all that money that you’ve lost since you launched your email list.

And if that’s you...

Simply set up a time to test your results and see what problems need to be solved, so you can make those extra 5, 6, and even 7 figures you’ve been missing out on for the past several months or even several years. 

And don’t worry this isn’t going to be some high pressure sales call - I promise.

I’m vehemently against hard closing and sleazy sales tactics, and I genuinely believe from my morals and ethics that it’s not the right way for anyone to conduct business. 

My goal in this call is to help you solve those email bottlenecks that are bleeding your company's revenue dry, so you can focus on what really matters most in your business… 

Making an impact on as many lives as possible, accomplishing your business goals, and making more money. 

Just click the button below and find a time that best works for you, and let me relieve that heavy load from your back. 

This moment will decide the future of your business: Make your decision now.

Right now you have the ability to find out how much more money you could make every single month.

Not only will accepting my invitation boost your open rates & email revenue for this month…

But it’ll boost your open rates & email revenue EVERY month going forward.

Maybe you'll only make an extra $6k-$8k per month...

Or maybe you'll be one of those crazy success stories that makes an extra $50k, $100k, or $150k per month like my first client.

Either way... you'll still make far more than what's required to invest with me.

And you could say "no"… Or “I’ll think about it”...

But everyday you wait is another day of missing out on hundreds or thousands of dollars… Yes, PER day.

And why would you want to think this over anyway?

Your company's revenue isn't going to go up by itself.

Inflation isn't going to slow down.

Your employees and team members aren't going to stop pestering you about falling short on your monthly or quarterly revenue goals.

Those fancy vacations, nice cars, & memories you're dreaming about aren't going to create themselves.

That extra time that you want to get back so you can spend it with your friends, family, and other hobbies won't just randomly appear on your calendar.

And that one goal in the back of your head that you haven't told anyone about... That's not going to come true if you don't take action on it.

And given that things like social media, advertising, regulations, and restrictions are getting tougher every single day…

I don’t want you to reach back out a month from now when I’m booked and can't help you.

Or when I raise my rates because of a DELUGE of increased demand. 

Or worse, you wake up one day to discover that your low open rates have corroded your domain reputation so much that you’re now in the spam folder (which is FAR more expensive to fix)...

Or that your revenue is down for the month because something happened to your Facebook or Google Ad Account or other lead source…

And you didn’t take email seriously and leverage it when you had the chance.

Which would’ve saved you from a nightmare of problems, stagnant revenue, and sleepless nights...

If you ignore this opportunity...

Wouldn’t you feel even just a little bit of regret that you didn’t even at least try to increase your open rates & email revenue...

With a proven strategy from someone who’s learned from Troy Ericson himself, knowing that I have a 100% Results guarantee anyway?

If the answer is even a “maybe”...

Then I would strongly and empathetically encourage you to take the MUCH smarter Option #2...

Which is to say “YES” to my invitation right now by selecting a time to speak with me below:

There’s no commitment. It’s an opportunity to test your emails to discover which folder you’re landing in & how much money your business is BLEEDING out on every single month.

And if you do want my personal help, there’s my “Results or I WORK FOR FREE Guarantee.”

So you truly have nothing to lose…

And an entire new mountain of money to make.

I can’t make the decision for you.

But I trust you know what the right move is and that you’ll make the right decision.

Thanks for spending your time with me today…

And I look forward to our call and your sales soaring through the sky faster than a SpaceX Starship. 🚀

- Eddie Huerta

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens on the call?

On our Zoom call, I’m going to test your emails with my test accounts so I can tell you if your emails are landing in the Promo Tab. If so, I'll estimate how much money you are losing each month & invite you to work with me 1:1 for personalized help with this.

Why is the Gmail Promo Tab so bad?

The average open rates for emails in the Promo Tab are 13-20%. The average open rates for emails in the Primary Tab are 25-30%. So literally by fixing this one problem you can be making at the very least 2X what you’re making right now. 

And just so you’re aware, this is post-iOS 15 data. Open rates depend on many factors. Make sure to schedule a time to speak with me to find out where your emails are landing & how much money you're losing every day.

How much money am I losing to the Promo Tab?

Larger email lists could be losing thousands of dollars per email. Smaller lists could be losing thousands of dollars per month.

What is the strategy that you use to fix my email deliverability problems?

- Signing into your ESP (where you send emails from)

- Write that day's email.

- Do a quick "deliverability check".

- Send the email.

And I’ll also create for you up to 2 new automations/sequences each month, so you can make money on auto-pilot. 

Do you have a guarantee?

Yes. If I cannot successfully get this strategy to work for you with video proof, I’ll work for you for FREE until you at the very least DOUBLE your investment.

The only condition is that if something doesn't seem to be working, you agree to email me first since most issues are simple fixes or user-errors.

Is this strategy safe to use?

Yes, it is compliant with Gmail Terms & Conditions, Article 81126.

How long will the strategy work for?

Indefinitely. Google has no incentive to stop it because it is compliant with Article 81126.

Or until the Sun decides to blow up and ends up turning Earth into a giant flame ball. In that case, we'd have bigger problems.

Does the strategy help with spam?

Yes, I also include an Email Deliverability Audit to help you solve any spam issues.

How can this grow my email list?

Many of your inactive subscribers have missed your emails because your emails were landing in the Promo Tab or spam/junk folder. Now that you are going to land in the Primary Tab, they will become active again.

Who are you, Eddie?

I'm known as what Troy Ericson likes to call an “Email List Manager”.

I do the following 3 things to make sure your email campaigns make you a whole lot of moolah. 🤑 

1. Writing & sending an email each day on your behalf.

2. Making sure your emails don't go to spam or the Promotions Tab.

3. Help you make money on autopilot with custom automations and sequences.

How can I get you to make my emails land in the Primary Tab, so I can make more money from my email list?

Click the button below to speak with me, so we can run some tests and see what we can do to tear your sales through the sky like a SpaceX Starship. 🚀